Your Child's Care Starts with our
Growth Monitoring Program
Orthodontists receive special training to spot the warning signs of orthodontic issues in young children. They also understand how your child's growth over the coming years can significantly impact orthodontic treatment. Monitoring your child from an early age can help catch orthodontic concerns before they become major problems.
Not all orthodontic issues require interventive or phase-1 treatment but making sure your child receives the appropriate care early on can make a big difference to the health of their mouth and smile.
AAO Recommendation—The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that all children schedule their initial orthodontic screening appointment at the age of 7.
Phase-1 Treatment Can Help
Along with the American Association of Orthodontists, we recommend that a child receive their first orthodontic screening by age 7. Starting early treatment allows the opportunity to recognize potential problems and correct them before they become more serious. This saves not only you and your child time but also money.
Early interceptive orthodontic treatment has proven beneficial for the overall desired result. Because a young child’s permanent teeth have not finished erupting, we can thoroughly evaluate the front-to-back and side-to-side tooth relationships and address any impending problems at their earliest stage.
Most children lose all their baby teeth by age 13, and by the end of their teen years, the jaw bones stop growing. Orthodontic procedures for adults often take more time and can involve tooth extraction or oral surgery. Receiving early orthodontic treatment as a child can reduce the need for more invasive procedures.
If your child is between the ages of 7 and 8, please schedule an appointment. We’ll do an initial exam and discuss the best steps to take toward caring for your child's smile.
What to expect
During your child’s initial evaluation we will first determine if there are any problems that need to be addressed, such as potential crowding, open bite, overbite or gummy smiles. It is possible that immediate treatment is not necessary at the time or even at all. However, if treatment is indicated, we will create a personalized treatment plan for your child that will prove to be the most beneficial for his/her specific case.
Early orthodontic treatment varies between patients, but may include removable or fixed appliances that can provide more room for crowded, erupting teeth; preserve space for unerupted teeth; create facial symmetry through manipulating jaw growth; reduce the possibility of tooth extraction; and reduce overall treatment time in braces.
To find out if your child is a candidate for early interceptive treatment, contact us today to schedule a complimentary consultation.
We Specialize in Dentofacial Orthopedics
We specialize in creating a complete picture of face, mouth and jaw health. This ensures that your little one will receive comprehensive care that focuses on improvements to the health and esthetics of their teeth and facial structure. Dr. Griggs is specifically trained to identify and treat dental malocclusions (bad bites) and facial imbalances in young, growing patients.